This wedding ceremony took place in the gorgeous Heinz Chapel on the University

Since the groom was Jewish they had some of those cool traditions like stomping the glass. I think shouting "Mazel Tov!" after he did that was my favorite part of the ceremony since, honestly, how often do you get to shout in church?
They also did the thing where they lift the bride and groom up on chairs at the reception. That as so fun and I was able to capture some of it on video.
I was so glad that my parents could come, since they've known Beth since we were both super awkward freshmen in high school.

I actually alluded to that in my toast at the reception. We didn't like each other the first day of school, she thought I was snobby and I thought she was weird. By the third day, though, it was like we'd both just accepted that despite our differences, we were destined to be great friends.

Ha! I'm really glad you posted this. It's the first tangible documentation I've seen that proves that our wedding actually happened!
Thanks for everything Ali! I love you and am so glad we got past each other's snobby, weird ways. You da, you da best.
It is very valuable phrase
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